On Apr 21, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Sean Farley wrote:

> 3) uniform versioning
> For (3), I prefer ${last_known_version}-${date} but don't mind
> changing this to something else as long as it's consistent.
> Open question: what to do about projects that never version? Assign a

Regardless of what action we take here, I would hope that new "release 
versions" would always be higher then these smc versions.
This should be the case if we use a alpha prefix for all smc_commit versions.

version "1.0.1" becomes 1.0.1-{git,hg,github,svn}{smc_commit}
version "null" becomes {git,hg,github,bitbucket,svn}{smc_commit}

Note: when "null" is changed to a dotted numeric version this new version 
should be newer then {git,hg,github,bitbucket,svn}x.

Bradley Giesbrecht (pixilla)

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