On Oct 5, 2012, at 04:46, mk-macpo...@techno.ms wrote:

> On Oct 5, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia wrote:
>> devel/git-extras/Portfile
> Thanks, Jeremy.
> In the meantime I have found and used git-flow as an example to come up with 
> this:
> ---
> PortSystem          1.0
> PortGroup           github 1.0
> github.setup        darkrose csvdb 0.5.1
> fetch.type          git
> name                csvdb

You can remove the "name" line; github.setup sets it for you.

> categories          database
> maintainers         mk pixilla openmaintainer
> description         csvdb - an SQL engine for csv
> platforms           darwin
> license             GPL-3
> homepage            http://sandbox.ltmnet.com/csvdb
> master_sites        https://github.com/darkrose/csvdb

You can remove the master_sites line; github.setup sets it for you.

> use_bzip2           yes

Most projects on github use gz files not bz2 files. Certainly the automated 
tarballs github can generate for tags or revisions are gz files (or zip files). 
Though for projects that post their own downloads ("github.tarball_from 
downloads") they could be in any format the developer wanted to use. csvdb 
doesn't seem to have posted any downloads however.

> I am just guessing that
> ---
> :info:fetch error: pathspec '0.5.1' did not match any file(s) known to git.
> ---
> means that there is no tag associated with this specifier (which is indeed 
> the case), so that I can't use this approach.
> I'd need to pass on the exact changeset to githug portgroup, but I guess its 
> not designed for that.
> Right?

Yes you're right. It would be best if the developers would create a tag for 
0.5.1 and any other versions they've released. Sorry; I hadn't realized that 
they hadn't done that already. You should ask them to do this. It's a normal 
part of a software release cycle.

Failing that, yes, you'd need to continue to specify a changeset. I think you 
can do it this way:

github.setup        darkrose csvdb afad8eca960af3b61b0a8ee3e1c3e0db4cc5c8f5
version             0.5.1

There are a few other ports that have had to do this.

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