On Feb 15, 2013, at 12:18 PM, Sean Farley <s...@macports.org> wrote:

> Rainer Müller writes:
>> On 2013-02-15 09:10, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia wrote:
>>> I'd like to update base trunk such that future versions of clang, 
>>> dragonegg, and gcc "just work", so we don't need to wait for newer versions 
>>> of base to depend on newer compilers.
>>> I've taken a first pass at portconfigure.tcl and here is a patch.  
>>> Comments?  Concerns?
>> Fine with me.
>> This change makes sense as the features supported by the gcc and clang
>> compilers shipped in ports are almost homogenous at the moment; in the
>> past there were differences as not all gcc4* shipped gfortran or gcj.
>> However, I don't expect the situation to change in the near future.
> Clang doesn't provide fortran but all gcc ports do. How is that almost
> homogenous?

Did you actually look at the patch?  It doesn't treat clang the same as it does 
gcc.  It treats all gcc versions the same as all other gcc versions; it treats 
all clang versions the same as all other clang versions; and it treats all 
dragonegg versions the same as it treats all other dragonegg versions...

> That's a huge difference when building mpi-dependent ports.

Which is not really affected by this…

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