ping.  Can I please get some feedback on this?  Can some maintainers of fortran 
ports in math/science categories give this a try?  We really need to get ports 
weened off of g++-mp-4.X ...


On Aug 19, 2013, at 15:05, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia <> 

> Most ports that require fortran set configure.compiler to macports-gcc-4.X.  
> This gets the port a fortran compiler, but it also switches the C and C++ 
> compilers as well.  If the port also has C and C++ sources, then it would be 
> preferable to leave and configure.cxx alone and just choose a 
> fortran compiler.
> I'm suggesting that such ports be updated to do this and want some feedback 
> on this Portfile recipe:
> set gcc_versions {4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9}
> set default_fortran_variant "+gcc48"
> foreach ver ${gcc_versions} {
>    set ver_no_dot [join [split ${ver} "."] ""]
>    variant gcc${ver_no_dot} description {build with gfortran from 
> gcc${ver_no_dot}} conflicts g95 {
>        depends_lib-append port:libgcc
>        depends_build-append port:gcc${ver_no_dot}
>        configure.fc  ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-${ver}
>        configure.f77 ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-${ver}
>        configure.f90 ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-${ver}
>    }
>    foreach over ${gcc_versions} {
>        if {${ver} == ${over}} {
>            continue
>        }
>        set over_no_dot [join [split ${over} "."] ""]
>        variant gcc${ver_no_dot} conflicts gcc${over_no_dot} {}
>    }
>    variant g95 conflicts gcc${ver_no_dot} {}
>    if {[variant_isset gcc${ver_no_dot}]} {
>        set default_fortran_variant ""
>    }
> }
> variant g95 description {build with g95} {
>    depends_build-append port:g95
>    configure.fc ${prefix}/bin/g95
>    configure.f77 ${prefix}/bin/g95
>    configure.f90 ${prefix}/bin/g95
> }
> if {[variant_isset g95]} {
>    set default_fortran_variant ""
> }
> if {${default_fortran_variant} != ""} {
>    default_variants ${default_fortran_variant}
> }

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