On Aug 24, 2013, at 19:35, Sean Farley <s...@macports.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 24, 2013 at 9:20 PM, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
> <jerem...@macports.org> wrote:
>> ping.  Can I please get some feedback on this?  Can some maintainers of 
>> fortran ports in math/science categories give this a try?  We really need to 
>> get ports weened off of g++-mp-4.X …
> Well, I kind of gave some feedback here:
> https://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/macports-dev/2013-August/023924.html

Thanks.  I didn't notice it in the other thread =)

> "As a bonus, I believe fortran recipes like the one Jeremy sent
> earlier today (what a coincidence) could all be unified as such:
> {{{
> PortGroup compilers 1.0
> compilers.setup     -clang require_fortran
> }}}
> "
> I could even add another option called 'only_fortran' that would only
> set the f77, f90, and fc variables, if need be.

Or more abstractly, take a list of variables to set:

compilers.choose f77 f90 fc
compilers.setup  require_fortran

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