Hi all, 

two questions:

I am working on a port for iRods. This software package would provides a server 
and a set of clients. Currently I am interested only in the client part (for 
those who might know the product: icommands and fuse) and there might be no 
need for the server part after all, but how knows. So I would like to 
anticipate this possibility.

As the ports (server + 1* clients) would share substantial parts Portfile code 
(it is built from one single package), I guess it is a good idea to use 
subports for this. I have little experience with this, but I think one could 
come up with something like this:

        The main port itself, either meta port or server port w/ dependency on 
        A port which is not supposed to be used directly, like is the case for 
example for the py-* ports?

        for the server part

        all clients (use variants to switch on parts?)

irods-icmds / irods-client-icmds / irods-icommands
irods-fuse / irods-client-fuse
        for the various clients separated into different subports

Maybe at some point it might be helpful to separate a lib subport as well, but 
this probably depend on the project itself.

So what are the pros/cons in doing the one o the other? Any guidelines for the 
port naming?

How to deal with the main port if it is supposed to do nothing? Do I need to 
disable all phases or is the intended use different? Should it provide just a 
message to the user (any good example for this?). I was looking a bit around i 
the repo, but found no example which fits exactly the above situations.

Am I correct that there are no *-prepend equivalents to *-append? Is there a 
way the have this functionality? I was thinking to do something like:

    long_description-perpend \
        This subport provides the i-commands client. 

Where the generally description of the system is given in the main port.

Thanks for any comment!

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