Sorry, I'd had a few different tabs open and must have pasted the link from the wrong one.

I've bent Michael's ear on this before, but Myth's build system is extremely hard for me to follow particularly due to QMake. Different platforms get different qmkspec files--which are actually a chain of nested include files sometimes overriding each other. I asked about this case because none of that was involved...and I still didn't understand why XCode 5.0 succeeded and XCode 4.3 failed. At least now, I've got a clue.

OTOH, I checked the clang man page under XCode 5 and it still doesn't mention the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.


At 3:27 PM -0400 10/5/13, Michael Dickens wrote:
I think Craig is referring to the comment within the Portfile for
qt4-mac, about 2/5 of the way down under "Block various compilers".
MacPorts' build of Qt4 requires the use of CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH, and
post-configure I remove any -I${prefix}/lib entries to keep them from
appearing at inappropriate ordering during the build stage. So, I
blacklist all known compilers with this issue; it's the compiler that
makes the difference, much more than the version of XCode (though they
are related). And, during configuration Qt4 checks this property too.  I
think MythTV doesn't do path ordering carefully, but it's been a bit
since I looked at that project. - MLD

On Sat, Oct 5, 2013, at 03:09 PM, Joshua Root wrote:
 On 2013-10-6 00:53 , Craig Treleaven wrote:
 > At 11:03 PM -0400 10/4/13, Lawrence Velázquez wrote:
 >> MacPorts sets the LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in the configure
 >> phase, which sufficiently recent compilers take into account when
 >> linking. I don't know exactly when Clang started respecting it.
 > Thank you!  From some searching, I found a bug report [1] for Qt4-mac
 > related to this problem. One comment suggested that XCode >= 4.5 and
 > clang >= 3.1 will respect LIBRARY_PATH.  Can someone confirm?
 > [1]

 To which comment are you referring? AFAICT, all that ticket says
 regarding Xcode versions supporting LIBRARY_PATH is that it doesn't work
 with 4.3.3.

 My somewhat hazy recollection is that it might have started working in
 4.4. Unfortunately I don't have that version handy to check.

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