On 2013-11-10 23:23 , Michael Dickens wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 10, 2013, at 12:47 AM, Joshua Root wrote:
>> On 2013-11-10 05:35 , Craig Treleaven wrote:
>>> Perhaps just the
>>> documentation for depends_lib should be expanded to say that it
>>> indicates both compiled and interpreted linkages?
>> It doesn't indicate anything about linkage, it indicates that the
>> dependency is needed at both build time and run time.
> How does one indicate a runtime dependency that is checked for at
> configure time and not used for building or linking? I've been using
> depends_run, but I'm not sure that always works because of the
> configuration checking. Are these dependencies installed before
> configuration of the target port?  Do we need to redefine (as per this
> thread) what the depends_* actually mean, to make checking for linkage
> versus usage, and when the usage is checked for and used (to my count: 3
> different depends_*, I think as we have now)? - MLD

If it needs to be there at configure time then it's depends_build or
depends_lib. Since it's also needed at runtime, it's the latter.

- Josh
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