
> Under the constraints we have I think its the best solution possible.
> Alternatives would be
> - Mark the port as broken on systems < darwin13 :(
> - Build a private copy of all dependencies of rethinkdb against
>   macports libstdc++. Since that includes boost and a couple of other
>   rather large ports, I don't think this is a feasible solution either.
> - Get Apple to ship a version of libstdc++ that supports C++11 on
>   outdated OS releases
> - Get Apple to make libc++ the default stdlib on all releases that have
>   libc++
> None of those sound very appealing to me.

For that last one, it is not necessary to have Apple make that decision. 
macPorts could decide to release the current trunk, and force the use of libc++ 
on systems older than OSX10.9. This of course would force all users to 
recompile all their ports, and probably is not a solution for all OSX releases, 
as I guess the older ones probably don’t have any runtime supporting c++11….

To be honest, if it isn’t possible to do it properly, I would go with the top 
one above. At least it doesn’t pretend all is OK, when it isn’t. If upstream 
for a given port decides they are going to use c++11 features, unconditionally, 
they effectively they are making that decision for us.


> -- 
> Clemens Lang

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