At 10:01 AM -0500 4/7/14, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
Dear fellow MacPorts developers and enthusiasts,

I've been working on a new MacPorts web site for some time, and I would like to share with you my work so far:

username: mp
password: 333

It is not yet complete but I hope it gives an idea of the direction I'm going, and I very much hope that you like it.

In some areas I tried multiple different page designs; on those pages you'll see a widget for selecting among them.

Gentle feedback about what works and what doesn't (both functionally and conceptually) and what else you think should be there would be helpful; with any luck I'll agree with you. But let's distinguish between features which are essential to get to a functional first version that we can publish, and those features that would be nice to have eventually but which can be postponed until later so as not to delay the initial release.

My focus so far has been on the following areas:

 * Make the homepage simple and inviting

Very nice!

Possible tweaks: The first section of the page takes up half a screen on my Mac. I think it could be a little more compact. I agree that the Lean More and Contribute sections should move to their own pages. Personally, I think the recent port updates section should be more prominent. Shows that the project is active and gives a flavour for the software that MacPorts actually provides.

* Make the install page as simple as possible, providing instructions specific to each OS X version

Well done, enormous improvement.

* Provide a page for each port, containing helpful information extracted from the Portfile, logically and attractively presented
 * News
 * Site infrastructure
 * Database

Further work to be done, in no particular order and not necessarily before the first release:

 * Further database and import script overhauls (maybe later)
* Port search, at least equivalent to what ports.php on the current web site can do (essential)


 * Port pages:
   * Variants (essential)
   * Licenses (essential)
   * Subports (essential)
* Distributability and binary package availability (nice to have; pretty easy)
   * Version and revision history (nice to have; difficult)


 * Maintainer info pages (later)
 * Category info pages (later)

15 ports per page is too little. Perhaps make it user-selectable? I'd think 25 is the absolute minimum.

However, no one is going to browse the 3,500+ ports in devel. In the badge view it says 2,072. Does that mean 2,072 where the first category is devel; 3,520, have devel somewhere in the list of categories?

I think we should have sub-category pages for the high-volume categories. For example, libhttpd has categories {devel www}. So the devel page could lead to a devel/www sub-category with a much narrowed list. Same for perl, python, php,

As ports are updated, we can try to add/modify categories. There are 20+ categories with 10 or fewer ports according to the badge view. All of these should be pruned. I'm sure others could be combined, as well.

I think each category page could also show the most-requested ports, perhaps the top 25.

* Learn how the new statistics-gathering code in base works and integrate with it

To me, the number of reported installs (split between requested and installed as a dependency) is interesting. Perhaps comparing last week, last month and last year. I think there should be a separate page with more detailed statistics for each port (by OS, by version, etc).

Thanks for all your efforts; it is a huge improvement.


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