On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
> On Aug 12, 2014, at 10:15 AM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> Other than that I can definitely create a new branch to simplify
>> testing and add the same patch to all perl versions. But the request
>> to wait with updates a bit (unless it's really really really needed)
>> still stands.
> you could create a branch with just the most recent upstream perl (currently 
> perl5.20.0) and interested parties could test that maybe?
> probably simpler than trying to do stuff for each of the perl5 versions we 
> currently have (and hopefully gets us to 'one perl' more quickly?)

I would say "let's solve one problem at a time". At this time I
believe it will be least painful and most efficient to simply add 5.18
and 5.20 to all modules. But before this is added I would *really*
like to get rid of the subrelease number(s).

Then we can make Perl 5.20 default (just to confuse everyone working
on https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44405) etc.

Yes, I still believe that we need to implement something to fetch the
latest version of all modules automatically from CPAN etc. And maybe
do some drastic changes to Perl packaging. But this is not something
that I'm currently able to implement quickly and this can wait.

Btw: some modules like p5-wx are broken in Perl 5.20. Having 5.18
available may help in such situations.

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