On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 4:43 PM, David Evans wrote:
> I'd be happy to help with this.  It's true that many ports are outdated
> version-wise (even ones that have already been ported to p5.20)
> and my recent experience suggests that many need updated
> dependencies as well.
> To make things manageable, I would suggest limiting your initial changes in
> a test branch to just your patches to the perl ports themselves

Those are trivial.

> and the
> required rev bumps.

That's all the > 300 ports. For all of those 300 (except for those
added in the last few days) I actually checked for updates and already
updated them instead of doing a revbump.

> Getting everything up to date, 5.18, 5.20, etc can
> then be handled as a separate process.

Yes, I would do that later. But if people add 5.18 now, all those
ports need to be revbumped as well.

Now about 5.8-5.16: my idea was to initially set the INC path for
those versions in such a way that it would include
"5.16.3/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.16.3
5.16.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.16.1
5.16.0/darwin-thread-multi-2level 5.16.0" as well as the "plain"
<something>/5.16/<something> without the subrelease. That means that
there would initially be no urgent need to revbump all the > 1000
ports. (On the contrary 5.20 doesn't need any change and for 5.18 I
would make sure to revbump all p5.18-foo ports.)

But I'm unable to figure out how to patch Perl to do that. The INC
path additions seem to be ignored.

> When testing has been completed and everyone is happy then you just
> need to merge the then content of trunk to test and update your rev bumps
> as necessary.  A tool to compare trunk versions to test versions would help
> at this point. Then merge back to trunk, make a final check and commit.
> No need to freeze trunk until you are ready to take these final steps.
> Again, I'd be glad to work with you to share the load both in merging and
> testing and I'm sure there are others interested in perl who could help
> as well.

I will upload something today and/or create a branch.

(But I really hate doing the merging.)

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