At 10:59 AM -0500 10/18/14, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Oct 18, 2014, at 8:22 AM, Craig Treleaven wrote:
 At 12:45 PM +0200 10/18/14, Peter Danecek wrote:
 On 18 Oct 2014, at 02:55, Craig Treleaven wrote:

I've ended up with an svn conflict--just in the capitalization of the directory name, if I'm reading this right.

 SixBare:mp-trunk-ports craigtreleaven$ svn status
 ?       sysutils/MacPorts_daemondo
 !     C sysutils/macports_daemondo
      >   local add, incoming add upon update

Might this be, because the underlaying FS is not case-sensitive (only case-preserving) so the two names would identify basically the same directory?

Have you used `svn mv` to capitalise the name? Or how did you get into the current state?

I don't know how it got out of sync. I thought I committed it with uppercase in the directory name. Anyway, I just changed the local directory name to lowercase, did 'svn update' and the conflict is gone.

You probably had the directory "MacPorts_daemondo" on disk, but ran "svn add macports_daemondo" which scheduled it for addition in the all-lowercase version. Subversion is always case-sensitive, even on case-insensitive-but-case-preserving filesystems.

 I can live with the lowercase directory name.


$ port lint MacPorts_daemondo
--->  Verifying Portfile for MacPorts_daemondo
Warning: Line 2 is missing RCS tag ($Id$)
Error: Portfile directory macports_daemondo does not match port name MacPorts_daemondo
--->  1 errors and 1 warnings found.

I'm an svn newbie, where/how does the RCS tag get set? I thought it was something that was automatically added by svn.

Should I now do 'svn move sysutils/macports_daemondo sysutils/MacPorts-daemondo' ? Don't want to screw this up more...

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