Ryan Schmidt writes:

> On Dec 14, 2014, at 11:41 AM, Sean Farley wrote:
>> Ryan Schmidt writes:
>>> On Dec 14, 2014, at 2:28 AM, Sean Farley wrote:
>>>> So, I've added support into the compilers portgroup for working with
>>>> the compiler.blacklist variable but that doesn't fix the issue that Ryan
>>>> tried to fix with r125939:
>>>> https://trac.macports.org/changeset/125939
>>>> It seems instead that the fix is just to remove the gcc variants:
>>>> mpi.setup -gcc
>>>> Is there anything wrong with this proposed fix? If no one objects, I'll
>>>> push my changesets which 1) add blacklist support to the compilers
>>>> portgroup and 2) add mpi portgroup to boost (but remove gcc variants).
>>> Right, using gcc variants causes the use of libstdc++ which causes the 
>>> problem on Mavericks and later.
>>> So, without gcc variants, what variants remain?
>> clang 3.x and all versions of dragonegg. Multiple that set with all the
>> mpi choices, too.
> So, this would add clang33, clang34, clang35 variants, for example? But these 
> would be different from the clang 3.x provided by Xcode in some way? The 
> MacPorts clang ports would be able to use MPI somehow, while Xcode clang 
> would not?

... ?

First of all, for the sake of completeness, the list of variants would

$ port info boost
boost @1.56.0_2 (devel)
Variants:             clang31, clang32, clang33, clang34, clang35, debug, 
mpich, mpich_devel, [+]no_single, [+]no_static, openmpi, openmpi_devel, 
python25, python26, [+]python27, python31, python32, python33, python34, 
regex_match_extra, universal

The reason I wrote the mpi and compilers portgroup was because there was
no way to make sure the same compiler for both is selected. For example,

$ port install boost +clang35 +mpich

will install mpich (built with clang35 compilers) and boost (built with
clang35 compilers).

The clang provided by Xcode can be used, of course, which is the

$ port install boost +mpich

will install mpich (built with Xcode compilers) and boost (built with
Xcode compilers). This will change depending on the OS version.

Perhaps you're missing that MPI is a library that provide compiler
*wrappers*? If a package needs MPI then that package is compiled with:

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