On Dec 14, 2014, at 8:58 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

>> On Dec 14, 2014, at 11:59 AM, khindenb...@macports.org wrote:
> This doesn't look sufficient. If pinentry support is automatically included 
> simply because pinentry is installed, then the main (non-pinentry) port needs 
> to be fixed not to use pinentry even if it is already installed.
> Moreover, it seems strange to implement this as a subport instead of a 
> variant. Unless a subport is a -devel subport, it's not supposed to conflict 
> with the main port. Variants are typically used to enable optional features; 
> pinentry support thus seems like a natural fit for a variant. What is the 
> implication of having lastpass-cli built with pinentry support? I'm not 
> really clear on what pinentry is.

My fault - I was under the impression we didn’t want to use variants anymore.  
I’ll correct shortly.  pinentry is gnupg’s way to enter pin/password via 


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