Michael Dickens writes:

> I ment to send this to macports-dev, not macports-changes. So, echoing
> what Josh just wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 31, 2014, at 11:08 AM, Michael Dickens wrote:
> py*-cython is still used by py*-scipy and py*-numpy (edit: among other
> ports). If we're ready to disable non-Python 2.7 and 3.4 scipy and
> numpy, then let's keep this change & I'll update those Portfiles (and
> add the non-ones to the graveyard). Otherwise, this change needs to be
> reverted. - MLD

I'm actually working on big refactorings of scipy and numpy to fix their
compilers, so if you could hold off, that'd be great. Also, I can make
these changes if need be.
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