On Jan 2, 2015, at 3:22 AM, Sean Farley <s...@macports.org> wrote:

> I just saw that you pushed a few conflicts to my stack (py-netcdf4,
> py-mdb-toolkit, and py-nibabel). This actually helped me realize that my
> graveyard changes had an off-by-one error :-) The ones I have on my
> stack are:
> py-numpy
>  py-pyfftw
>  py-pyfits
>    py-pywcs
>  py-pygrib
>  py-pymc
>  py-quantities
>  py-scipy
>    py-scikit-learn
>    py-scikits-bootstrap
>  py-svipc
> Have you already done some of these?

Yes, these are now in the graveyard:
- py32-pyfftw
- py32-pyfits
- py32-pygrib
- py32-pymc
- py32-pywcs

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