On Tuesday February 10 2015 21:08:18 Ian Wadham wrote:

Hi Ian,

Taking this to macports-dev...

As I said, my ~/.macports on my Mac appears to be unused since november 2013 or 
so. However, the tiny test install I have on my Linux system does contain a lot 
of things that appear to be copies, but also things like "home" the function of 
which is unclear to me.

A quick check in etc/macports/macports.conf didn't reveal anything that could 
explain this difference. And I really have no idea what in the Qt portfiles 
could cause this, esp. since it clear doesn't affect my own system.

It's evident that you can throw out the qt4-mac stuff.
But what does `port work qt5-mac-devel` return?

>>> BTW, why is all this MacPorts stuff landing in my home directory (i.e.
>>> in ~/.macports)?  There appears to be about 3.2 Gb of it.  I really do not
>> That's a good question. Mine is about empty and contains only old stuff, 
>> among which a shadow of an old install location. You should ask on the ML, 
>> but if you check the dates and confirm that there's nothing current going on 
>> in there you can
>> 1) archive it to a compressed tarball
>> 2) kick the tarball to oblivion if that doesn't raise any issues after a few 
>> days.
>Looking deeper and doing "du -s local/var/macports/build/*" in ~/.macports/opt 
>  961624       
> local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_site-ports_aqua_qt5-mac-devel
>                       org_release_ports_aqua_qt4-mac
>That's about 2.2 Gb, without the other 1 Gb of stuff that is in ~/.macports.  
>Using "ll" gives:
>drwxr-xr-x  3 ianw  staff  102 10 Feb 12:50 
>drwxr-xr-x  3 ianw  staff  102 11 Aug  2011 
>The first is what we are working on.  The second is a build of Qt 4 done from 
>3.5 years ago, before there was a binary package for qt4-mac --- my original 
>Methinks there is a problem with the original port of qt4-mac, which persists 
>in qt5-mac.
>Please let me know what you think.

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