On 10/02/2015, at 9:37 PM, René J.V. Bertin wrote:

> On Tuesday February 10 2015 21:08:18 Ian Wadham wrote:
> Hi Ian,
> Taking this to macports-dev...
> As I said, my ~/.macports on my Mac appears to be unused since november 2013 
> or so. However, the tiny test install I have on my Linux system does contain 
> a lot of things that appear to be copies, but also things like "home" the 
> function of which is unclear to me.
> A quick check in etc/macports/macports.conf didn't reveal anything that could 
> explain this difference. And I really have no idea what in the Qt portfiles 
> could cause this, esp. since it clear doesn't affect my own system.
> It's evident that you can throw out the qt4-mac stuff.
> But what does `port work qt5-mac-devel` return?

It returns NOTHING, zilch, no output.

Cheers, Ian W.

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