> On Feb 23, 2015, at 10:18 AM, René J.V. Bertin <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Monday February 23 2015 09:19:35 Brandon Allbery wrote:
>>> How can it do that without deactivating everything that's not somehow a
>>> dependency (and thus making it impossible to do anything while an install
>>> is being done), or by duplicating potentially a huge portion of the entire
>>> MacPorts tree?
>> By intercepting system calls, like Debian's fakeroot.
> Ugh. Just make it optional (as in "can be turned off"), ok? ...

right now it is (turned off by default).

If we can get it to the point where it's reasonable to be "On" all the time, it 
will be a big improvement (builds will be more reproducible, unintended 
dependencies won't appear, people with crap in /usr/local won't have builds 
fail for seemingly strange reasons).

If you try it out and find actual problems / have patches to make it better, 
I'm sure your input would be appreciated :)

Daniel J. Luke                                                                  
| *---------------- dl...@geeklair.net ----------------* |                      
| *-------------- http://www.geeklair.net -------------* |                      
|   Opinions expressed are mine and do not necessarily   |                      
|          reflect the opinions of my employer.          |                      

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