On 24.02.2015 01:40 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Feb 23, 2015, at 4:52 PM, Clemens Lang wrote:
>> I am only aware of two ports that do not build in trace mode
>> due to functional changes or problems that are caused by trace mode, and 
>> those
>> are:
>> - go, because the OS X loader uses malloc() when DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is set
>>   and that breaks a very low-level step in the build process of go.
>> - openjade, which crashes during the build with what I can only conclude to
>>   be a buffer overflow in the build system of openjade (which is one of the
>>   downsides you get for re-using the address space of a program).
> Are you able to build gettext universal with trace mode? I have a bug report 
> that this doesn't work:
> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/46898#comment:1
> I have not yet used trace mode or tried to reproduce this.

The following ports are currently installed:
  gettext @0.19.4_0+universal (active)

IOW, yes, at least I am.

The only other port I am aware of failing is sbcl, but I've been too
lazy to write up a bug report for that and casual looking at it didn't
reveal why it's broken.


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