> On Jan 23, 2016, at 8:48 AM, Vincent Habchi <vi...@macports.org> wrote:
>> Might I suggest that you download the latest VLC player from videolan.org 
>> directly, and see if that one gives the same error? If it doesn't, you can 
>> then probably simply uninstall the one from MacPorts.
> Yep, I could do that, but I would have to uninstall all the libraries I’ve 
> installed to save space, and that wouldn’t be fun.

You might want to look at the following to clean up those libraries:

$ port info port_cutleaves
port_cutleaves @0.1.4 (sysutils, macports)

Description:          Inspired by FreeBSD's pkg_cutleaves, port_cutleaves is an 
interactive script that eases the uninstallation of leaves - installed ports 
that are unrequested and have no dependents.

Platforms:            darwin
License:              unknown
Maintainers:          pe...@macports.org, openmaintai...@macports.org

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