On Saturday January 23 2016 14:48:56 Vincent Habchi wrote:

>There’s a “beta” 2.2.2-20150427_3 available on MacPorts, I’ll try it and let 
>you know.

Ah, not mine AFAIK. The portfile I submitted on Trac *probably* contains a 
VLC-devel port for 3.0.0-150503-g7385062d (my local copy does), but I don't 
think I tried building or using that one since May last year (1505).

>> Might I suggest that you download the latest VLC player from videolan.org 
>> directly, and see if that one gives the same error? If it doesn't, you can 
>> then probably simply uninstall the one from MacPorts.
>Yep, I could do that, but I would have to uninstall all the libraries I’ve 
>installed to save space, and that wouldn’t be fun.

If you only installed those libraries for VLC then you shouldn't lose much. You 
would however have more definite proof whether your issue is due to something 
with the MacPorts build or in VLC itself. If the latter, you should take it up 
on the VLC bug tracker.

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