> On Sep 29, 2016, at 5:42 PM, Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote:
> When Apple switched to yearly releases, consensus in discussions was to
> support the last three releases of the Mac operating system. Anything
> older are legacy systems, for which we try to provide a working base and
> accept patches for ports. If something is broken on these older
> releases, maintainers should not invest their time to get it fixed -
> unless they have personal interest, in which case we cannot stop them
> anyway.
> The only indicator of this policy seems to be our downloads page, which
> at the moment still lists OS X 10.9 Mavericks as non-legacy. I would
> move that to legacy once macOS 10.12 Sierra has been out for at least a
> month.
> https://www.macports.org/install.php

When I updated the install page for Sierra, I left Mavericks on the list, 
because that's good cut-off point, with Mavericks being the first OS X version 
to use libc++ by default.

I concur with keeping more Mac operating system releases "supported" by 
MacPorts, given Apple's increased frequency of releases (i.e. yearly), vs. 
every two or three years as in the beforetime.

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