On Oct 8, 2016, at 6:34 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:

> It seems counterproductive to me to close a ticket if you're not addressing 
> the issue. Just because nobody has done anything with a ticket for 6 months 
> or 2 years or whatever period of time doesn't necessarily mean that the issue 
> is no longer valid, just that nobody has had time to deal with it yet.

It would be nice if there were a third state between "open" and "closed" for 

(Then again, "it would be nice" if tickets just fixed themselves, so….)

> When I go searching for tickets, I don't typically search for closed tickets, 
> because I assume that closed tickets are closed because they've been dealt 
> with. If we change that rule now, it will mean that I either don't find 
> tickets that might have been relevant to whatever I'm searching for, or that 
> I have to remember to search for closed tickets and spend a lot of time 
> sifting through tickets that have already been dealt with.

This would be difficult even with a "lack-of-interest" keyword, now that you 
mention it. Today we can search for tickets that are (!closed AND [other 
conditions]). If we start closing stale tickets, one would have to search for 
tickets that are (!closed OR (closed AND keyword ~ lack-of-interest)) AND 
whatever other conditions you care about.

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