
Marko tells me he's been having issues with upgrading one of my KF5 ports that 
uses the active_variants portgroup to "depend" on variants of one of its 

From our exchange:

> > >> BUT that’s not all yet. Once also needs to select the +contrib variant,
> > >> otherwise you have to run another loop of building this port! Annoying
> > >> is
> > >> the word. What’s the reason for this odd behaviour?
> > > 
> > > There's little I can do about that. digiKam needs +qt5 (evidently) but
> > > also +contrib. The only way to increase the chance that opencv is
> > > installed with those variants by default is to add the variants to
> > > digikam, but that doesn't make a lot of sense. This is due to the fact
> > > that ports cannot depend on the variants of another port (unless they
> > > have the same variant, but that's propagation, not dependance). They
> > > can only raise an error if they detect that a dependency is installed
> > > with the wrong variant(s).

In short: digikam needs port:opencv with +qt5+contrib. I try to impose that 

PortGroup           active_variants 1.1

depends_lib-append  port:opencv
require_active_variants opencv qt5
require_active_variants opencv contrib

From what I understand, Marko had opencv+qt5+contrib installed and lost those 
variants when port:opencv was upgraded.

I'll leave it to him to post the exact command he used for installing or 
upgrading the kf5-digikam port which led to the variant issue, I only have a 
part of the trace:

--->  Fetching archive for opencv
--->  Attempting to fetch opencv-3.1.0_4.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from 
--->  Attempting to fetch opencv-3.1.0_4.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from 
--->  Attempting to fetch opencv-3.1.0_4.darwin_15.x86_64.tbz2 from 
--->  Fetching distfiles for opencv
--->  Verifying checksums for opencv
--->  Extracting opencv
--->  Applying patches to opencv
--->  Configuring opencv
--->  Building opencv
--->  Staging opencv into destroot
--->  Installing opencv @3.1.0_4
--->  Activating opencv @3.1.0_4
--->  Cleaning opencv
--->  Fetching archive for kf5-digikam-devel
Error: org.macports.archivefetch for port kf5-digikam-devel returned: opencv 
must be installed with +qt5.
Please see the log file for port kf5-digikam-devel for details:

is there something wrong in my way of declaring the variant dependency, or is 
this to be expected?

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