Hi folks,

thanks René, for reporting, but ...

On 27 Oct 2016, at 21:59 , René J.V. Bertin <rjvber...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thursday October 27 2016 14:55:59 Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>>> That's what I told Marko too, but we're not talking here about the initial 
>>> installation. I think that when you already have opencv+qt5+opencv 
>>> installed, an automatic upgrade to opencv should behave like `port upgrade 
>>> opencv`. IOW, it should maintain the active variants. Anything else is a 
>>> waste of time and source of frustration.
>> I'm not aware of any reason why that wouldn't happen. MacPorts preserves 
>> variants on upgrades.
> And neither do I see any reason why the use of the active_variants portgroup 
> would change anything in this matter, but one can never be too sure.
> Let's see what Marko has to tell us about the exact command he used that led 
> to opencv being upgraded without its current variants.

I’ve to see whether I can resurrect some snapshot where I hadn’t updated opencv 
yet to check whether I can reproduce the oddity.

I’ll come back to you soonish, but not very quick, as I am absorbed with other 
more pressing stuff right now.

Till then,
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