Hello All,

I'm working on a few python ports using the Python 1.0 PortGroup, and I get 404s for the download link. e.g. for Python module xyz version 1.2.3, it looks for https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/x/xyz/xyz-1.2.3.tar.gz Trying this for a few random modules, it always comes back 404.

Looking at the output of "pip -vvv install ..." pip obtains an intermediate page, https://pypi.python.org/simple/xyz/ , which is a very basic (unterminated) html page with a list of a tags, with href element set to the relative URL of the downloads for all versions, each of which contains a long string of hex and appears random. It looks like pip parses this and picks the link for the chosen version (or sorting, maybe with distutils.version.LooseVersion, and choosing the highest: the list of links is not sorted). I guess the PortGroup needs to emulate this behaviour.

Any thoughts on how/whether this should be implemented in MacPorts?


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