Right. I had a feeling I was missing something.

Ah, hold on. The extension's changed to .zip from .tar.gz, that's the problem. Sorry for the noise.


On 02/11/17 11:06, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Nov 2, 2017, at 05:49, Russell Jones wrote:

I'm working on a few python ports using the Python 1.0 PortGroup, and I get 
404s for the download link. e.g. for Python module xyz version 1.2.3, it looks 
for https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/x/xyz/xyz-1.2.3.tar.gz Trying this 
for a few random modules, it always comes back 404.

Looking at the output of "pip -vvv install ..." pip obtains an intermediate 
page, https://pypi.python.org/simple/xyz/ , which is a very basic (unterminated) html 
page with a list of a tags, with href element set to the relative URL of the downloads 
for all versions, each of which contains a long string of hex and appears random. It 
looks like pip parses this and picks the link for the chosen version (or sorting, maybe 
with distutils.version.LooseVersion, and choosing the highest: the list of links is not 
sorted). I guess the PortGroup needs to emulate this behaviour.

Any thoughts on how/whether this should be implemented in MacPorts?
The python-1.0 portgroup doesn't seem to be involved in the download process at 
this time. It's all handled by the pypi fetchgroup, right? (In 

The pypi fetchgroup also looks for files on files.pythonhosted.org, and that 
works, right? If so, why does it need to also look on pypi.python.org?

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