On 2018-03-18 12:28, Zero King wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2018 at 09:57:58AM +0100, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>> On 18 March 2018 at 08:33, Zero King wrote:
>> I would add the patches to distfiles and include debian site in
>> master_sites. You then need to keep your fingers crossed that the main
>> distfile is also packaged as tar.xz because you need to manually
>> extract some of the files otherwise (MacPorts does not yet support
>> extracting from different types of archives).
> The main distfile is tar.gz. 

The debian tarball already contains the full sources. Is there a reason
to use the upstream distfile? If w3m upstream at sf.net is dead, just
switch to the Debian version that still receives patches.

MacPorts will always try to download files listed in patchfiles from
patch_sites or master_sites if they are not already in the files/
directory next to the Portfile. For this, all entries in patchfiles are
expected to be simple filenames, not full paths. Therefore Mojca's
suggestion will not work.

Solution 1: Download the patches using patch_sites from an URL

Keep the upstream distfile, download additional patches from Debian.

dist_subdir     ${name}/${version}
patchfiles      020_debian.patch
patch_sites     https://.../debian/patches/

The dist_subdir option is required as these patches are likely to change
with each version. Of course you could also leave it out at first and
only add it once it is required.

The downside is that we are relying on sources.debian.org [1], the
Debian Gitlab [2] or the GitHub mirror [3] serving these files.

[1] https://sources.debian.org/src/w3m/0.5.3-36/debian/patches/
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/debian/w3m/tree/debian-stretch/debian/patches
[3] https://github.com/tats/w3m

Solution 2: A hack to avoid fetching patchfiles

Only the tarball from Debian is used, no additional downloads.

distfiles          w3m_0.5.3-36.debian.tar.xz
master_sites       debian:w/w3m

The following pre-patch phase should trick MacPorts into not fetching
patches by setting the patchfiles option late, but apply them in the
patch phase:

pre-patch {
    patchfiles ${worksrcpath}/debian/patches/020_debian.patch

Solution 3: A custom post-patch phase to apply these patches

Same as in solution 2, but instead of using the hack, the patches are
applied manually in a custom post-patch phase. This is probably the most
flexible solution.

post-patch {
    foreach p 020_debian.patch ... {
        system -W ${worksrcpath} "patch -p0 debian/patches/${p}"


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