step 5 is misleading and technically incorrect. a clone is a clone,
exact copy, there is only one repo.

unless they have credentials, they will not be able to push changes
back to the master/origin even if they choose not to branch and work
on master

it should say something like build your branch Portfile, port lint
blah blah blah

On Sat, May 5, 2018 at 9:05 AM, Ken Cunningham
<> wrote:
> On May 4, 2018, at 3:33 PM, Rainer Müller <> wrote:
> Maybe the instructions on how to create a local ports tree should come
> first and then the next section should show how to create a diff against
> the official ports tree?
> Instructions on how to create a pull request would overlap with the
> section "Using Git and GitHub" [1]. We should only document this in one
> place.
> For new users who want to get started in this, I would suggest we consider
> no longer recommending diffs. We don’t want people making them anyway. Let’s
> get people to do what we really want them to do, with git & github:
> 1. fork the macports/macports-ports repo in github
> 2. clone it to your hard drive
> 3. branch it to make a change
> 4. cd into the port directory and make your changes
> 5. "sudo port -v install" to build the local Portfile rather than the one in
> the repo
> 6. make a PR when you’re done
> and pretty much skip everything else regarding diffs, as it’s just extra
> work for us and noise for them.
> On a similar topic, for making patches from source IMHO we should consider
> recommending michael’s workflow, as nothing has ever worked better for me:
> 1. go to `port work PORTNAME`
> 2. chmod -R a+rw .
> 3. cd into the source, init the git repo, add all the files, and commit them
> 4. make changes in source
> 5. sudo port -v -o -k destroot
> 6. repeat 4 & 5 until it builds correctly
> 7. git diff —no-prefix > ~/patch-my-broken-port.diff
> and then how to use and test that.
> Ken

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