On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 12:22, Marius Schamschula wrote:
> I would also suggest that Ken either adds himself as a co-maintainer

To a few hundred ports all at once? :)

I do believe he should become a comaintainer of all the clang &
related ports though. He did become a competent successor of the huge
effort started by Jeremy H.S., and while Jeremy is having less and
less time to contribute, Ken does a wonderful job.

(I actually thought that for Ken it was more of an issue that nobody
would ever provide feedback to his patches even if he made a PR.)


PS: In yesterday's meeting notes I forgot to mention that we also
briefly discussed the issue that sometimes arises when a particular
maintainer (with or without commit rights) refuses some changes for
which many others believe would be necessary, in particular when
security issues arise for outdated software.

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