On 2020-06-22, at 1:12 PM, Dr M J Carter <martin.car...@physics.ox.ac.uk> wrote:

> Rats: you beat me to it.  I'll restrict myself to reminiscing about
> dylibs having allegedly been invented (by Sun?) out of embarrassment,
> on finding hello.c was bloated, to 3MBytes iirc, by printf() dragging
> in half the known universe at link time.

Oh, it's not all that bad. Just the standard io library, the file buffering 
library, the larger startup and exit code, math library (because some of the 
formatting options required something, probably rounding, I have long since 
forgotten), error text translation (gotta be able to report the error numbers 
as human readable text, after all), some string library routines -- oh, right, 
that's ALL of the string library, and ... did I leave anything out?

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