On Jun 22, 2020, at 11:20 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> On Jun 22, 2020, at 14:34, Daniel J. Luke wrote:
>> We should just have one perl5 port that tracks the current release.
> You say this every year (or at least often).

I say this every time we run into the set of problems that we would solve by 
moving to this method (that we continually avoid solving just kicking the can 
down the road with the current solution - which is a huge amount of work that 
we just have to repeat every time there's a perl release).

> Are you volunteering to be the one to ensure that every port that uses perl 
> is compatible with the new perl release when it comes out? Without someone to 
> do that, blindly upgrading everything from say perl 5.28 to 5.30 will likely 
> break ports.

Every time we upgrade a library we 'blindly break ports' since we don't (and 
can't) comprehensively test every combination of things.

It sounds like your argument against doing this is "we want the ports tree to 
be stable" which I don't think has been the case in the past (and if we /do/ 
want it to be a stable tree, we shouldn't be doing may of the updates that we 
do now).

> Do you remember perl 5.26? It broke a lot of ports, requiring a lot of fixes 
> like this to be added: 
> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/commit/454eb2b0608266ab7bdf51a82d690be0f97610fe

I do, part of the pain with perl5.26 was that we waited a long time to update 
things because everyone was afraid of fixing the things that were broken.

I'll note that upstream already does test CPAN modules with new versions of 
perl (and notifies their version of maintainers) - so the things that remain 
broken are things that aren't actively maintained upstream (and if they remain 
broken in our ports tree, aren't being actively maintained by us either).

> The strategy currently being employed by those volunteers who are maintaining 
> the perl ports is to keep everything defaulted to 5.28 for now, add 5.30 
> ports and fix problems in them as they're found, and once everything is 
> building then switch the default to 5.30. This seems sensible to me.

Things get fixed faster when they're broken, I'd bet perl 7 (which is what 
perl5.32 is going to be) will be out before we're moved to perl5.30 (of course, 
perl 7 is going to break some backwards compatibility). I suspect the 
fundamental disagreement here is that I'm more comfortable with breaking things 
in the ports tree (and then fixing them) than you are.

Daniel J. Luke

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