On Jul 27, 2020, at 18:27, Fred Wright wrote:

> While investigating the distfile fetch problem with the util-linux port, I 
> noticed that a couple of the mirrors seem to be misbehaving in ways unrelated 
> to the missing file:

Thanks for letting us know.

> DEBUG: Fetching distfile failed: Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to 
> jnb.za.distfiles.macports.org:-9824

It appears they've enabled mandatory SSL on this server, which they weren't 
doing before.

They've forgotten to add the MacPorts hostnames to the SSL certificate, so we 
can't connect. I've asked them to add those hostnames.

When I use their hostname I'm able to connect using /usr/bin/curl on OS X 10.11 
and later but not 10.10 and earlier. This is probably related to which 
encryption algorithms they've decided to support. Which macOS version were you 

> DEBUG: Fetching distfile failed: Failed connect to 
> nou.nc.distfiles.macports.org:80; Operation now in progress

Using curl, I'm seeing:

curl: (28) Failed to connect to nou.nc.distfiles.macports.org port 80: 
Operation timed out

It also doesn't respond to pings. I've reported the problem to the mirror admin.


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