Please merge it; thanks!

On Sun, Nov 28, 2021 at 10:04 AM Christopher Nielsen
<> wrote:
> Folks, our long-awaited update to ‘gettext’ 0.21 - via PR 7399 - can now move 
> forward: It was dependent on merging of foundational PR 7074 (update 
> 'python27-bootstrap’ to not use ‘gettext-bootstrap’), and the latter was 
> merged two days ago.
> Note that this PR has been open since 6/11/2020, providing everyone with 
> plenty of time to review and provide feedback. And it’s time to move forward.
> As mentioned in the PR, I’ve personally been utilizing this new version of 
> ‘gettext’ for the past six months. It’s been installed everywhere, across 
> every one of my macOS installations - physical and virtual - from 10.6 
> through 10.15. So I’m quite comfortable with releasing this change.
> That certainly doesn't guarantee that we won't encounter a problem somewhere. 
> However, this update isn't likely to cause much of any fallout, given the 
> backward-compatible nature of ‘gettext’.
> So... I’m making one final call for feedback. If there are any concerns or 
> objections to this PR, please try to voice those by end-of-day today. 
> Likewise, if you believe we can move forward, positive feedback would be 
> great as well.
> This update is long-overdue, and will be a nice improvement. Please support 
> the effort to merge this, and speak up here, and/or on the PR itself!
> Cheers and Thanks,
> -Chris

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