On May 24, 2022, at 3:56 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> I wouldn't recommend anyone begin writing any code until it is discussed how 
> the feature should work. That should avoid spending time writing code that 
> won't work.

sure, if someone were working on a feature it would be reasonable for them to 
discuss it here ... (but again, no on is).

>> - but there are of course possibilities here. We could (ab)use epoch,
> epoch can't be used because epoch is not part of the archive filename, and 
> because it is within the portfile author's control when to change the epoch.

then epoch can't ever be used for anything because it has the same 'fatal' 
problem (if I bump epoch in a port I maintain, and use a version + revision 
that there's already a package for ... I guess we tell people "don't do that" - 
but there's nothing preventing someone from doing it by mistake)

>> just have portindex increment the revision for the ports that request to be 
>> rebuilt when a new version of something is added,
> How? The PortIndex file is generated by extracting certain information from 
> each port. Right now, an up-to-date PortIndex file contains the fact that 
> privoxy-pki-bundle has epoch 0, version 3.0.33, revision 3, because that's 
> what it said in the privoxy-pki-bundle Portfile when that PortIndex entry was 
> written. Suppose tomorrow I update curl-ca-bundle to a new version. By what 
> means is the portindex program supposed to know that now, it should record 
> revision 4 in the PortIndex file entry for privoxy-pki-bundle? If you are 
> suggesting that it should read the existing entry from the PortIndex file, 
> increment revision, and write it back, that won't work because it is valid to 
> delete the PortIndex file and regenerate it from scratch.

Because it's impossible to change how portindex works? It's impossible to store 
any state other than state that's already stored? I'm purposely not writing up 
a comprehensive design here - since I've not volunteered to implement it and I 
don't think it's worthwhile to do an exhaustive feature design if no one is 
doing an implementation. (and also, if someone else decides to implement it, I 
don't want to constrain them since I haven't really dug into the details).

I feel like the few times we've discussed this we talk past each other because 
I'm operating on the assumption that whoever implements a new feature isn't 
constrained in what parts of MacPorts they would modify while you appear to be 
focused on what would break with the smallest possible implementation (and by 
extension, why that feature isn't possible to implement).

Fundamentally the current situation is that we have cases where this kind of 
dependency exists. We deal with it now by adding a comment + having a human do 
something. I'm just saying that software could be written to do the right thing 
here and I would welcome the automation. Implementation would, of course, take 
time and require consideration of all of the other pieces of MacPorts (and 
infra) that it touches.

Daniel J. Luke

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