
I installed the Xcode and X11, then the latest MacPorts and successfully updated it as well. I am ultimately trying to get wireshark running. This is the failure message I get:

[g5:~] jess% sudo port install wireshark
--->  Extracting expat
Error: Target org.macports.extract returned: shell command " cd "/opt/ local/var/macports/build/ _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync .macports.org_release_ports_textproc_expat/work" && gzip -dc /opt/ local/var/macports/distfiles/expat/expat-2.0.1.tar.gz | -xf - " returned error 127
Command output: sh: -xf: command not found

gzip: stdout: Broken pipe

Error: The following dependencies failed to build: glib2 gettext expat libiconv pkgconfig gtk2 atk cairo fontconfig freetype zlib libpng render xrender jpeg pango Xft2 xorg-xproto xorg-util-macros tiff libpcap openssl
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

I tried installing port fping and got the same error.

Is this a simple fix? Has anyone else seen this? I'd sure appreciate any help.


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