On Dec 2, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Kok-Yong Tan wrote:

Frankly, I don't get those errors you're getting...but then, as I mentioned, I installed gtk2 +x11 instead of gtk2 +quartz... Just for kicks, why not uninstall gtk2 +quartz, install gtk2 +x11 and recompile wireshark and see what you get?

Also, when you run Wireshark, you have to run it as root, i.e., "sudo /opt/local/bin/wireshark", otherwise you can't access any of the available interfaces. If you run it from under an X11 xterm, it should be set properly but if you're attempting to run from Terminal with X11 running already, remember to set your DISPLAY variable to ":0.0".

On Dec 2, 2007, at 05:36, Jesse Ohlsson wrote:

I, too had problems with Wireshark on Leopard until I re-installed gtk2 +x11. Now it is running properly (as root) but evidently the AirPort can't be put into promiscuous mode, since I am seeing only my own traffic.

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