On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:26 AM, "René J.V. Bertin" <rjvber...@gmail.com>wrote:
> >> (Or should I make an "official" suggestion to
> >> use gcc everywhere where Apple-specific options aren't required as long
> as
> >> clang isn't completely ready to be the main compiler on linux? ;) )
> >
> > Due to the whole C++ libc++ situation, this is not going to happen.
> Clang will be our main compiler suite, and switching now and getting the
> bugs that still exist fixed is the correct thing to do. Clang is not going
> away, but GCC on OS X already has.
> I don't know what "whole C++ libc++" situation you're referring to, I was
> just thinking that a large majority of the available ports are (or seem to
> be) things developed for Linux, and as such using the Linux default
> compiler would probably facilitate matters (cf. Gentoo Prefix). OTOH, I
> have

Anything that touches or might ever be used by C++ has to use clang's C++
runtime, not gcc's. This is because Apple switched all the system libraries
to clang. (It's a bit more complex than that, look in the FAQ for something
closer to the real story. http://trac.macports.org/wiki/FAQ#libcpp)

Your suggestion would work fine on Linux where gcc's C++ runtime is the
standard one (and Linux isn't allergic to GPL3 like Apple is, so it can use
a newer libstdc++ that is compatible with clang's libc++), but Apple sets
the rules here by what it does with system/Xcode provided libraries, and
the MacPorts team has already spent too much time failing to find ways to
make gcc's runtime coexist with clang's.

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
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