On Mar 22, 2014, at 16:54, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> Any idea what this was commented out?
> Is that a patch applied only to make KMail run on MacPorts or is that coming 
> from KDE?

The comment in the Portfile (from Nicos) states that "we don't need it" ...

Anyway, I just rebuilt the port from sources after commenting out the patch 
entry as well as the MAILTRANSPORT_INPROCESS_SMTP off switch. In other words, 
the port should have been build as much stock as possible. No luck, sadly, but 
I guess I'll have to try rebuilding the kdepim runtime too.

> KDE on OS X already starts plenty of daemons (notably kdeinit). While you're 
> "supposed" to do stuff through launchd, it's not absolutely mandatory, can't 
> be enforced, and KDE would be rather difficult to get working at all if you 
> couldn't.

All (or most) those daemons are started through DBus, and that in itself seems 
to work.
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