On Apr 22, 2014, at 05:55, Asis Hallab wrote:

> Dear MacPort Experts,
> thank you for supplying MacPorts. It is very useful indeed.
> I am running MacPorts 2.2.1 on Mac OS 10.9.2 Mavericks.
> When running
> $sudo port upgrade outdated
> I get the following error
> Error: org.macports.configure for port postgresql83 returned:
> configure failure: command execution failed
> As postgresql83 is outdated and I already installed postgresql93 I
> want this update to be skipped.
> But
> $sudo port upgrade outdated not postgresql83
> generates the same error.
> I searched the web on how to solve this as thoroughly as I could, but
> could not find any solution.
> Is there a way to uninstall all packages that depend on postgresl83?
> And why is "[...] and not postgresl83" simply ignored?

MacPorts did not ignore your instruction, but some other port that you have 
installed presumably depends on postgresql83, hence MacPorts was required to 
attempt to update postgresql83 before attempting to upgrade that other port.

Since postgresql83 is old and you already have a newer version, uninstall it:

$ sudo port uninstall postgresql83

This will presumably fail, telling you what other port you have installed 
depends on postgresql83. You can then either uninstall that port as well if you 
no longer need it, or see if it has a variant for a newer version of postgresql 
that you can use instead.

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