On Tuesday April 22 2014 14:06:19 Asis Hallab wrote:

> I did this "forced" with the "-f" switch. Unfortunately now I can not
> see which packages depend on postgresql83 - or can i?

I think that normally MacPorts would tell you which packages prevent 
uninstallation (and then proceed if you supplied -f). So if you didn't get any 
warnings, it may be that there were no dependents.

> Is there way to infer which packages depend on another, in my case 
> postgresql83?

port rdependents <package>

lists all dependents recursively (though I think it also lists packages you 
haven't installed).

The other way to proceed, after you figure out which packages depend on an 
obsolete package you want to purge, is to do a port install of said packages 
without the variant linking to your obsolete package (e.g. perl5.12). This 
should typically give you a variant that depends on the new dependency, and you 
can then uninstall the other package.

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