On Thursday March 26 2015 15:18:20 Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia wrote:

> > In the situation that I reported, my $DISPLAY was really :0.0 as verified 
> > by starting /opt/X11/bin/xterm through the X11 Application menu. I just 
> > couldn't connect to it through the X11 client libraries in MacPorts, only 
> > through those in /opt/X11 .
> That is quite bizarre.  I'm able to run 'DISPLAY=:0.0 /opt/local/bin/xterm' 
> without issue.

I take it you're not running 10.6 in a VM hosted by Parallels Desktop ?

Anyway, bizarre it was, and even more bizarre that the disappeared after 
another reboot *and* after I had to send a SIGKILL to a server instance (which 
gave me DISPLAY=:1.0). I'll report back if it starts happening again.

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