On Aug 15, 2015, at 06:57, - wrote:
> I'm fairely new to macports and have a question about the port of lynx the 
> browser.  I don't know if this is the place to enquire or if there is perhaps 
> someone who deals with the lynx port I should be asking.
> There are two issues.  First there is a function available in lynx that needs 
> to be compiled in to work but isn't in the version from macports. In short it 
> is the ability to send commands external to lynx such as another program or 
> to the command line.  If one tries it a message appears saying this function 
> needs to be compiled in, which the info in lynx.cfg confirms.

If that's so, then you should file a ticket in the issue tracker requesting we 
do this. 

> Second, frequently lynx unloads with a "signal 11" error message.  This 
> happens most often first thing each day with the first attempt to access an 
> url on the internet.  Suddenly one is dumped back to the command line with 
> the above message.
> Any help welcome, or a pointer to where it might be addressed more specific 
> to the lynx port individuals.

If a program crashes, OS X will have created a crash log; you can send that log 
to the developer of lynx and perhaps they can decipher it and figure out how to 
fix lynx so it doesn't crash anymore. 
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