Hi Ryan, thanks for the reply.
I can rebuild it, if needed, but since it took about 48 hours. I'd prefer
to avoid it if possible,

If this was built on my local system, do you know where the staging
directory possibly might be?
I was just going to see if I can construct that archive manually.

On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 2:10 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org>

> On Dec 22, 2015, at 8:21 PM, John T. Chung wrote:
> > Hey guys, I'm a PPC G4 trying to install clang.
> > Everything is fine, until I get to this step:
> >
> > clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> > --->  Attempting to fetch clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> from http://jog.id.packages.macports.org/macports/packages/clang-3.4
> > --->  Attempting to fetch clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> from http://packages.macports.org/clang-3.4
> > --->  Attempting to fetch clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> from http://lil.fr.packages.macports.org/clang-3.4
> > --->  Attempting to fetch clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> from
> http://mse.uk.packages.macports.org/sites/packages.macports.org/clang-3.4
> >       [                                        ]   0.0 %        speed: 0
> B/s        --->  Attempting to fetch
> clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2 from
> http://nue.de.packages.macports.org/macports/packages/clang-3.4
> >
> > It downloads clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2, but this
> archive is defective:
> >
> > sh-3.2# bzip2 -dc
> /opt/local/var/macports/software/clang-3.4/clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> | tar -tvf -
> >
> > -rwxr-xr-x root/wheel    4142072 2015-12-23 03:43:02
> ./opt/local/libexec/llvm-3.4/lib/libclangFormat.a
> > -rwxr-xr-x root/wheel   38938928 2015-12-23 03:42:59
> ./opt/local/libexec/llvm-3.4/lib/libclangFrontend.a
> >
> > bzip2: I/O or other error, bailing out.  Possible reason follows.
> > bzip2: Input/output error
> >     Input file =
> /opt/local/var/macports/software/clang-3.4/clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2,
> output file = (stdout)
> > tar: Read 6160 bytes from -
> > tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
> > tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
> >
> >
> > After which when it tries to activate this, it errs out:
> >
> > -->  Staging clang-3.4 into destroot
> > --->  Installing clang-3.4 @3.4.2_9+analyzer
> > --->  Activating clang-3.4 @3.4.2_9+analyzer
> > Error: org.macports.activate for port clang-3.4 returned: command
> execution failed
> > Please see the log file for port clang-3.4 for details:
> >
> /opt/local/var/macports/logs/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_lang_llvm-3.4/clang-3.4/main.log
> > To report a bug, follow the instructions in the guide:
> >     http://guide.macports.org/#project.tickets
> > Error: Processing of port clang-3.4 failed
> >
> >
> > any idea where I can download a working copy of
> clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2
> The MacPorts project has never had any PowerPC build machines, so we have
> never offered any binary packages for PowerPC. If you have
> "clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2" on your system, it's likely
> it was build on your own system.
> "I/O error" often means you have a problem with your disk. You should
> verify your disk with Disk Utility.
> It sounds like the clang-3.4-3.4.2_9+analyzer.darwin_9.ppc.tbz2 file you
> have is corrupt, possibly because it is truncated, or possibly because it
> cannot be read due to the I/O error. Once you've verified your disk is ok
> and has enough space, run "sudo port clean --all clang-3.4 && sudo port
> uninstall clang-3.4". Then build it again on your own system using "sudo
> port install clang-3.4".


*John ChungTechnology ArchitectNyquest Consultinghttp://www.nyquest.com
<http://www.nyquest.com>Mobile 419.464.9637 Office: 419.973.9072*
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