I have an unfounded opinion about this:

> Naturally a hypothetical gcc6 port that only provides a Fortran compiler 
> would take less space and less time to build than one that also provides C, 
> C++, and Java compilers.

I’m not an expert on this at all, but from what I understand the only 
language-dependent part of the compiler is the front-end.  This bit takes your 
input language (C++, Fortran, whatevs) and turns it into some internal 
representation.  Much of the heavy work of optimization, analysis, and 
code-generation happens on the internal representation, which is independent of 
the source language.

Thus splitting gcc into separate ports for different languages would end up 
duplicating most of the actual machinery in gcc.  Conversely, removing specific 
languages from gcc wouldn’t reduce the size by that much.

Has anyone tried building gcc with just one or a few languages supported, and 
see the difference in size (or self-compilation time)?  Does it really make a 
difference?  I’d expect maybe a 20-30% size reduction if you left only C++ 
compared to including all the supported languages.

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