On 2018-03-20 21:43, Andreas Falkenhahn wrote:
> On 20.03.2018 at 21:35 Ken Cunningham wrote:
>> On 10.5 you installed a prebuilt binary.
>> gcc6 takes 12 to 24 hrs to build on a PPC machine.
> Oh my, that's too much for me, I've just hit CTRL-C. Of course this might 
> leave me with a corrupt installation but I'm just too paranoid about Mac 
> Ports killing my hardware. 
> IMHO there really should be prebuilt binaries for 10.4. It's a waste of 
> energy and resources to have everybody build this on his own...

I try to understand your frustration, but how many users of 10.4 on PPC
are out there? It probably takes more energy to build all the ports
nobody is ever going to install.

As you noticed it takes a lot of time to compile for 10.4 PPC. I see no
benefit of building for that, as the resources are better spent on
building binary archives for recent releases.

Personally, I do not understand why you are still running such an old
machine with macOS. This system is unsupported by Apple for about
10 years by now. In my opinion if you want to keep using the hardware,
install Linux or FreeBSD, but macOS for that platform is dead for a long
time already.


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