
> On 22 Mar 2018, at 5:21 pm, Andreas Falkenhahn <andr...@falkenhahn.com> wrote:
> On 20.03.2018 at 23:59 Chris Jones wrote:
>> You can call these OSes ‘retro’ if you want, to make it sound good,
>> but all they really are, are outdated and insecure.
> By the way, another reason to use "outdated and insecure" operating
> systems from a programmer's point of view is backwards compatibility.
> Of course, the latest Xcode versions allow you to target older Mac OS
> versions with just a mouse click but this stuff is often hardly tested
> and I've seen the strangest things happen when building for 10.6 on
> 10.13 let's say.

No one should still be targeting such an outdated OS as 10.6, so this argument 
is moot, in my opinion.

Look, if you want to run insecure OSes like this, that is your choice, and I 
would not want to try and suggest you should not have the free will to do so. I 
just hope our digital paths never cross… I also still maintain MacPorts should 
not be going out of its way to promote the idea its OK to use such OSes. If it 
where my choice, I would drop OSX releases < say 10.10… It isn’t, and thats 
fine, but thats just my opinion.

Lets leave this here, as we aren’t going to agree on this it seems.


> Upwards compatibility, however, is a completely different case
> because there are lots of binaries compiled on 10.6 or even older
> versions around and Apple usually tries hard to keep binary
> compatibility. They even support real ancient stuff like QuickDraw
> in binaries which have long been removed from the SDKs.
> So it's a much better idea to keep older versions of the operating
> system and build on these than trying to build for older versions on
> newer versions.
> It's also worth mentioning that APIs declared obsolete are often
> quickly removed from the SDK. So the only chance to be able to
> use APIs declared obsolete often is to keep your old installation.
> -- 
> Best regards,
> Andreas Falkenhahn                            mailto:andr...@falkenhahn.com

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