Regarding +x11 vs +quartz, you can use a line like this (from PortGroup
active_variants) to check that dependents (e.g. gtk2) have the right
variant (namely, yes +quartz and not +x11):

require_active_variants gtk2 quartz x11


On Fri, Jun 15, 2018 at 6:53 PM, Ryan Schmidt <>

> On Jun 14, 2018, at 12:58, Langer, Stephen A. (Fed) wrote:
> > Thanks for the advice.  If I make a new non-standardly located macports
> directory on my system, build my program and all of its dependencies in
> that directory (including dependencies that aren't packaged with macports),
> and then package it with "port mpkg", is that guaranteed to avoid conflicts
> on users' systems?  I'd be using both a non-default installation prefix in
> my portfile, and also a non-default version of macports to build it.
> Note that "port mpkg" will only include files that were (or can be)
> installed by MacPorts (with "sudo port install ..."). If your software
> depends on things that aren't in MacPorts, you'll have to write Portfiles
> for those things first, and either contribute them to MacPorts for
> inclusion in our repository, or at least have them available in the
> PortIndex of the MacPorts installation in which you run "port mpkg".

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